Bargaining Update #8

Good Evening!

We just wrapped up our 8th Bargaining session and here is a summary of UCMC and NNU discussion from today’s session:


  • Section 2.5 Orientation: agreed to providing the Union more time for orientation and have a Tentative Agreement (TA).
  • Section 5.8 Holiday Rotation: provided further clarification regarding CD Operating Room.
  • Section 12.3 On-call: Included pay for activation even if not put to work/canceled enroute, added transplant cases, added order of team assignments and agreed to instruct applicants of the call requirements and scheduling during interviews.
  • Section 13.2 Workplace Violence Prevention: continuing to positively discuss with the NNU.
  • Section 17.12 Preceptor Duty: added inclusion of precepting of students, externs and others in non-nursing roles, including salaried nurses.
  • SANE Nurse Side Letter for Adult & Pediatric EDs on all shifts to meet State requirements.


  • The Union passed counterproposals on several proposals we previously discussed and reiterated their position on several others. There continues to be review and discussion.

Please plan to join our upcoming Nursing Town Halls on November 20th at 12 p.m., 21st at 8 a.m. and 27th at 4 p.m. where the topic will be Bargaining Updates with open Q&A.

Also, I’m happy to share that we’ve launched A new website that will give you and your colleagues important information about both our bargaining process and the important work nurses do at UCMC.

You’ll see additional material being added to that site in the coming days, including current and past bargaining updates. We encourage you check it regularly.

You can also reference the latest Bargaining Updates on the UCM Intranet here:

As this is the last scheduled Bargaining session prior to the holiday next week, I’d like to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and THANK YOU for all you do. Our next Bargaining dates are November 28th and 30th.

Sally Walton, DNP, MBA, RN, OCN, NEA-BC, FACHE,
Associate Chief Nursing Officer
Executive Director, Patient Care Services